Monday, 13 October 2008

UGM 8th October 2008

The Union General Meeting took place last wednesday 8th October at 1.15pm in 'The Space' on the first floor. This was the first meeting of its kind in a number of years in the Union, and a substantial number of students turned out to vote. Motions which were brought forward by James Murphy, VP for Campaigns and Communications, related to the new pricing structure at the Physical Education Centre. The motion called for a suspension of the pricing structure in question, and called for negotiations with the Union in order to identify a shared strategy for increasing student membership, and determining equitable fee levels for student customers. Shane Brogan, VP for Equality, introduced the motion that the Union should maintain a neutral position in relation to NUS/USI and their prospective campaigning in favour of extending the 1967 Abortion Act to Northern Ireland. Brogan argued that our Union should remain neutral on the issue, and instead facillitate a discussion about the Act amongst students. All motions were passed and clearly carried.


Anonymous said...

this is just another exec publicity stunt organised to shove their agenda down the student body throat. They dont give a fudge about the pec increase and that mcaleavey is a moron

Anonymous said...

Surely if they were shoving it down our throats they wouldnt have a UGM, they'd just do what they wanted, end of...

They dont give a fudge, yet 2 exec members bring forward motions challenging the price increase, and put their names to them when others didnt have the balls to do so...

Fergus said...

Yeah, he isn't pro choice. What a moron

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all those who voted for James Murphy are feeling mighty silly now. STILL no magazine and so pompous. Vote of no-confidence anyone?!

Anonymous said...

That McAleavey is a tool. Does he have a clue what he is at?

Anonymous said...

How'd the referendum go? Are QUB out of NUS-USI?

Anonymous said...

the only one thats worse is that ego-centrc helferty. what he said at the ugm about john mccloy was out of order. how dare the president single out one student like that! he has shown complete contempt for the student body. he has no respect and mistreats small animals

Anonymous said...

Ah the gown blogspot hijacked by the executive to slag each otehr off... i like it.

Anonymous said...

did any one else hear the su student staff are joining council to vote murphy out?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for posting off topic, but I couldn't find anywhere else.

I found out recently that QUB does not fund religious or political clubs & societies, which is fair enough. I then found out that they provide amnesty with a pretty big wad of money every year. Surely amnesty are at their very core a political organisation? Especially given that el presidente holds the most political role within the SU? Something about this doesn't sit right with me.

Anonymous said...

Helferty goes to the same church as Rev Jeremiah Wright


Anonymous said...

What a joke that referdeum was - 500 students - the uinon shoukd be ashamed of itself

Anonymous said...

I hear the president ciarnan Helferty, not only goes to the same church as the Rev, but had a hand in the holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and is a current supporter of the darfur governents policies - can anyone clarify?

Also, he performs abortions in his office, is best mates with iris robison, and thinks that homosexuality is a crime against humanity.

What an awful man.

Anonymous said...

Vote Murphy OUT!

Anonymous said...

In response to interested's comment below (both literally AND metaphorically) amnesty have never 'at their core' been a political organisation and never will be. Perhaps (s)he would rather grant money was given to societies for 'social purposes' rather than to a society that tries to help and give hope to those whose rights have been trampled on worldwide. For shame. Join Amnesty.

Anonymous said...

I hear Helferty sends birthday cards to Chairman Mao with best wishes on behalf of the entire student body.


Anonymous said...

I heard that Helferty and Iris Robinson psychiatrist and that he personally convinced the DUP to vote in favour of 42 days detention.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. i have not cast any dispersions upon amnesty's work (except for the irony of the "human rights" group wishing to deny the basic right of life to unborn children, but that's for another day). I think their work against oppression is inspiring.

Nevertheless, they are without doubt a political organisation, if not internationally, then certainly within queens. It is not them I am questioning (no-one would turn down available funding), it is the university, who are unable to apply their own crieria fairly.

Viva Comrade Helferty!!