Saturday, 18 October 2008

SU Mag Appears...Finally!

SU Mag eventually made its way to the foyer of the union on Friday 17th October. There was much speculation about its whereabouts from the beginning of the semester, with VP for Campaigns and Communications, James Murphy, editor of the publication, citing problems with the printers as the reason for the notable delay. Murphy told The Gown that he is content with it’s release date and that he had intended 17th October to be the day his first edition would hit the shelves. However, a reliable Union source contradicted these claims, and could tell The Gown that the intended date for the magazine to be available to students was in fact Wednesday 2nd October, the day of the Freshers’ Bazaar. On reading the magazine, you will notice that this claim appears to be quite accurate, as there are a number of details that are completely out of date within its pages. Take note of the listings, such as ‘Bruised’, a play which was staged at the Old Museum Arts Centre up until 11th October. The Gown are happy to do the math for you and confirm that the play’s run ended six days before the magazine made an appearance. Perhaps even more interesting is that arguably the main feature of the issue, a photoshoot promoting the autumn/winter collection from Topshop, advertises the special 15% student discount which ended on 16th October. The Gown innocently enquires, did Topshop pay advertising fees for this feature? We wonder…

Check out the next edition of The Gown for more on our investigation into SU Mag and the apparent disorganisation behind the scenes.


Anonymous said...

that James Murphy is certainly the bottom rung of a bunch of mediocrities. It's difficult to think that anyone could ever be worse than Sarah McCaffery, but there you have it, James proves that it could be done. I don't blame him so much (he seems a bit slow) The idiots who voted for him should be strung up in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

James murphy is a waste of time and so is that mag. The editorial is a joke but then so is the editor so what else should we have expected?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect with a man in charge? Sarah McCaffrey was able to get the mag out on time when she was in charge and those fine specimen of women over at The Gown Magazine are always on time as well!

Gown Team said...

We would like to point out that The Gown is a newspaper and not a magazine.

Anonymous said...

Not much to say on this...apart from the SU Mag is,and always has been, a waste of space. (...or should that be beach room, heh heh)

Pleasantly looking forward to the next Gown edition.

Anonymous said...

BEWARE: James Murphy has quite a few props running for student council. He will make sure that he is looked after.

Oh, how Helferty must regret bringing these sort of morons in students union politics.

Anonymous said...

Oh no not a Gown investigation! We in the Magazine are shaking in our boots *rolls eyes*

Anonymous said...

"Wednesday 2nd October, the day of the Freshers’ Bazaar."

That is a terrific piece of journalistic writing there, but tell me, what year was this Wednesday 2nd October? Certainly wasn't 2008 anyway. Ironic the criticism of the SU Mag when something so fundamental can be wrong.

Also, did I hear something about The Gown running an interview with Foy Vance? The same Foy Vance who was interviewed for the SU Mag last year? Or maybe this is another one noone has yet to hear of...

Gown Team said...

With regard to the potential of a Foy Vance interview: Content for this, the SECOND Gown of the academic year, has yet to be finalised. We would not be against publishing an interview with the singer, regardless of the fact that he appeared in a previous edition of the SU magazine.

After all, the SU Mag had no qualms about recycling a Gown story from May of this year. Joan's infamous retirement, anyone?

The Gown Team would now like to apologise, and correct our anomaly regarding the date of the Freshers' Bazaar. It was indeed October 1st. Clearly, when we wrote this article, we were using a watered down version of the Murphyite calendar in which dates are flexible.

Our apologies, thank you for correcting us: the SU Mag was even later than we thought.

Anonymous said...

Again Helferty is trying to flood the SRC with people to shit on other sabbatical officers.

Rumours are he is planning a deal with the DUA to kick out James and Kevin.

Anonymous said...

Considering that he is on the Executive committee that runs the Union and makes all the decisions, if the magazine running 2 weeks late is his biggest worry then it looks like James doesn't have too much to worry about.

Just shows how quiet things have been about Queen's that a magazine being published late is headline news...

Anonymous said...

Well said to the above anon. Who gives a damm if the Mag is out late?

Anonymous said...

Who gives a damn about the Mag in general.


Anonymous said...

Claire's craic is MINUS craic....there's more CRACK in my name!

Anonymous said...

Is the matter of the SU mag being late really more important a headline than the rape of a 22 year old woman?? Perhaps those that are wasting their time ranting and complaining about this unimportant matter should do something more important with their time instead and campaign to improve the safety of our university.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify as you are 'wondering' Topshop did NOT pay for advertising in the SU Mag. Bit sad that everything you have to say about the Mag is negative; people worked hard on those features!!!

Anonymous said...

it's not as serious, but it is a lot funnier!

Anonymous said...

Vote of no confidence against Mr Murphy anyone? A real nob.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lawrence- what's this about people trying really hard on those features? I seriously doubt the features were even so much as planned. Reading some of them raises real doubts- structure is lacking in many of them and so they read like the feckless rantings of a person devoid of a KS2 education.

What is more are you saying that so long as you put effort into something that makes it good? So are you saying that Nobel Prizes should be given to Scientists, Writers etc. who tried really hard to make a scientific discovery or write a good novel?

Anonymous said...

From one annonymous person to another, no, I don't think the SU Mag being out late is more important than someone getting raped, but if you observe the structure of this blog, you'll see that the most recent posts appear at the top.

News is news, and both should be reported.

Anonymous said...

I see the mag is not available on the Internet, mccaff was quick to do that last year.

So is jimmy ashamed of it or are they having 'technical difficulties' similar to the 'printing issues' that led to the original hardcopy delay?

Anonymous said...

In answer to your question "Sue"- some of those features took a lot of planning- weeks, in some cases months. And to equate planning of a student magazine features to Nobel peace prize winners; well, you really do have a little too much time on your hands....

Anonymous said...

my advice to anyone who lives in the REAL world who reads this blog is to never engage with any mud-slinging that goes on here... there seems to be a small group of people that hate the SU and everything it stands for, and are quite happy to post comments under a million aliases slagging everything that's ever said or done by anyone, stirring up false (or fantasy?) rumours, etc etc.

Let them have their fun. the rest of us in the real world can then get on with things and safely ignore them..

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see Chris Andrews missing out on election to the SRC. That's Alliance with a grand total of 0 student Cllrs.

The greens are the only party at Queen's capable of defending the middle ground.

Anonymous said...

How man of these posts can you attribute to Thomas Hogg - now there is an interesting game to play.

Anonymous said...

Can the gown confirm the rumour that the same James Murphy was removed from the students union recently for being 'drunk and disorderly'?

The Gown newspaper and the SU magazine are both pretty crap and its a shame neither have any resemblance to proper journalism ie a bit of objectivity and investigative journalism. Both apear like uppity students who like to preach at the student body.

Do any gown writers actually serve on students council and get involved?

Anonymous said...

Oh, now let him have his fun. After all if there were no Gown blog or student council it may just tear a hole in his sense of reality

Anonymous said...

"After all if there were no Gown blog or student council it may just tear a hole in his sense of reality"

Could refer to quite a few SRC big gobs. It's a pile of pish if u ask me...

Anonymous said...

As ever the personal vendettas are a real put off when you want to see an effective student voice (gown or mag) in Queens. Plus surely having a newspaper and a magazine is a positive thing, not something to be sneered at because some articles may overlap!

What age are you all?

Anonymous said...

I thought the SU mag was crap. Just Murphy and others ego trip. If that is what our money is going to I am pretty peeved.

Does Murphy have an editorial team, or need to get exe approval over the publication or is it in his sole responsibility? Ie. Who do we blame for this trash?

Anonymous said...

blame murphy - he hasnt a clue

Anonymous said...

Last year's mag managed to win two Student Media awards.

This year's will probably end up as recycled toilet paper.

Sad really!