Alan McCrory (21), from Charlestown Road, Craigavon, faces two charges of assaulting a police constable and riotous behaviour.
Augustine McAleer (19), and Enda Ward (26), both of Loughmacrory Park, Omagh, are each accused of assault. Mr McAleer is further charged with the attempted criminal damage of a police Land Rover, riotous behaviour and resisting arrest. Mr Ward faces a second charge of obstructing police during the disorder yesterday.
Gary Keenan (20), of Carrickbawn Road, Rostrevor, and Darren Connolly, an electrician from Tievenamara Road, Keady, are both accused of riotous behaviour.
The Gown writers can't even spell "St. Patrick's Day" properly - pathetic.
(See the first line of the article for details)
gown, do some digging.
how many of these are students at all? how many were just down for the day, and maybe intent on causng trouble? how many were uuj, and how many queens?
Part of me thinks that on one level this has been blown out of proportion. A few spides wrecking a car, the police move in on mass and a few spides through stones and bottles.
However what worries me is the sectarian response by some students and the dispicable act of throwing pizza boxs at police. This action and contradicts Obama's message that the people of Northern Ireland acted heroically in the face of dissent violence. The behaviour of a significant number of students on Tuesday illustrates that there are many young people out there who are deeply sectarian and (perhaps subconsciously) support the murder of two soldiers and police officer.
Anymore information on exposition out there?
I find it disguisting that some of these people who rioted said it was the Police who were acting sectarian.....nonsense! I had to walk through it to get to my house and the police acted well! These GAA thugs who started it should be arrested and expelled! They the usual type who play hurling outside at 4am and have nonstop parties and look inbred.
Rumour has it that Sarah Boles organised the riot to vent her anger at not getting elected.
This is all speculation of course.
anon number three.
Too far perhaps?
We all live in the holy holy lands..!
I was up in the holylands for the day and had a riot of a time! hehe
What an intimidating atmosphere! And to think that Northern Ireland is trying to promote St. Patrick's Day as a family and tourist event for everyone to enjoy. No wonder many unionists and protestants enjoy celebrating this shared event away from the Irish minority, maybe up at Ravenhill for the Schools Cup for example.
Sure, we can expalin away such antics as a one day booze fuelled incident, but as has been pointed out here and elsewhere, these bigotted murderous scum are in our daily midst, either as residents or students. I think a deeper reaction and consciousness towards the (predominantly rural) Irish nationalist influx of students, their 'political' attitudes and their ability to 'integrate' needs to emerge.
The gownies were in the Sunday Life today! Have you really ran the paper into the ground so much that you cant afford to pay your bills?
The Gown team is campaigning to 'Save Student Journalism! Save The Gown!'.
With the current economic climate and the abundance of free publications, competition to acquire advertisers is fierce. With advertising revenue being The Gown's only source of finance, this has proved to be fatal for the newspaper this academic year.
We are doing everything in our power to eradicate the debt, and have been in talks with ex-gownies in putting together a new succinct busines plan for the next academic year.
In reply to Horace Horsecaller:
Some hope that both St Patrick's Day and 12th July might be less cause for concern than in previous times, though most unfortunately recent events suggest otherwise
I do not understand Horace's meaning in referring to the rural Irish nationalist influx. It is true that many nationalist students live in the Holylands, and this corpus in particular has had a strong reputation for disruptive behaviour in that area
However I wonder if the issue is not more diverse than that
I surprised that The Gown can't seem to manage their finances - surely it only takes a small amount of advertising revenue to keep the publication manageable.
Also, what exactly will a 'save student journalism' campaign entail?
It takes more than a "small amount of advertising revenue" to sustain The Gown. It also doesn't help when previous advertisers are so slow to send in their cheques, despite constant reminders.
For the past few weeks I have been working tirelessly to raise awareness amongst relevant media sources and high profile journalists. Letters and emails have been sent to ex-Gown writers, all the top newspaper editors, the QUB Vice Chancellor, Alumni Department at QUB, South Belfast MLAs, and particular individuals at BBC.
We have had publicity in both The Sunday Times and The Sunday Life.
A number of meetings have been set up.
A quiz/raffle/auction fundraiser is due to take place in the Bunatee on Wednesday 6th May.
We are also working to acquire advertisers for a final campaigning issue of the year which will be released if we raise enough money.
Catherine Wylie
"how many of these are students at all? how many were just down for the day, and maybe intent on causng trouble?"
"A few spides wrecking a car, the police move in on mass and a few spides through stones and bottles."
As I've said on my blog, students are unlikely to be charged, unless they are working class (and therefore scapegoatable).
I was there and saw the students rioting. They're not very good at it and the police showed exceptional restraint in the face of extreme provocation.
I agree that a deeper reaction to the tidal wave of ignorance, chauvinism and bigotry pouring out of mid-ulster is needed. Our society is in intellectual meltdown and we need to ask big questions.
Alan Murray
So at the end of the day you are going to be down on your knees begging for handouts because you have ran the paper into the ground?
Well done!
We refuse to accept your accusation that we "ran the paper into the ground". We are confident, and so are many ex-Gown writers, that as editors we have produced three of the best editions in recent years so far this academic year.
And, yes, if it is begging that is needed to save an institution as renowned as The Gown, then so be it. I am more than happy to beg if I think it will save The Gown, the only outlet for aspiring newspaper journalists at QUB.
In all my learning and academic endeavours,I feel that my work at The Gown will prove to be invaluable to me in the future.
Therefore, I am determined to preserve the tradition of The Gown and consolidate its position at QUB for all future aspiring journalists who come to study at the University. I believe that its preservation is a necessity for the future of journalism in Northern Ireland. Should The Gown fold, I would fear that Northern Ireland would miss out on a number of fine journalists who could have cut their journalistic teeth with the oldest independent student newspaper in the country.
Catherine Wylie
surprised paul courtney and co weren't arrested. he seems to lead that gaa crowd...
Why are some posters equating attacking the PSNI with sectarianism? They're very different things.
And don't even try to portray St Patrick's Day and the 12th as two sides of the same coin. St Patrick's Day originates from a celebration of a Christian missionary spreading the religion to Ireland. The 12th on the other hand is celebrated by an explicitly anti-Catholic organisation supporting the events leading to continuing colonial subjugation of the Irish people. Not even remotely close.
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