Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Lilly and Duffy in Second Election of the Year

Paul Lilly and Barry Duffy, both successful in the recent sabbatical election, winning the places of VP Equality and Diversity and VP Education respectively, are running in the up and coming law society elections. The elections which take place on 31st March see the two law students run for the posts of secretary (Paul Lilly) and president (Barry Duffy).


Anonymous said...

Power hungrey individuals?

I don't know Mr Duffy so I can't really comment on him but as for Mr Lilly - I respect the idea that he went for a sabb position rather than just talking about it however he needs to realise he won't win respect by just getting elected to as many positions as possible, in many ways that the easy part. He needs to work hard for students and make a real difference - that's how he will get respect and authority not simply add titles to his name.

Anonymous said...

Give them a chance this is nothing new, previous VPs of education have been chairpersons of OSF, previous other sabs have held positions on RAG, GAA etc. Give the guys a chance!

Anonymous said...

As two of the more popluar students in law I can only help feel sorry for the students who come up against lilly and duffy!

Anonymous said...

go duffy and lilly!

Anonymous said...

I dont see why duffy is running again, rafferty and lilly have not run before so there should be no fuss!!

Anonymous said...

It a bit pathetic for them to go for more postions just to give their egos a boost. Positions in student societies are for students who want organise events and activities for students. Unfortuantely Paul Lilly's motivation is to get as much perceived power as possible and position and run for President of SU.

Before anyone else blogs about how grea these candidates are - they have done anything of note yet and need to focus on their sabbs jobs first before they gain any merit.

Anonymous said...

Paul Lilly is joining law society committee simply to use it for his own gain. The same reason why he got involved in the GAA at Queen's.

Let's also face it, the only reason why he went for equality and diversity was because it was the easiest to get elected to, hardly inspiring.

Anonymous said...

can they really do it though? they are being paid to serve the students of queens through the union yet they will be spending time sorting law stuff too. if they are going to have less time for non-law students maybe they should have less money?

Anonymous said...

lilly in particular has been elected as VP for EQUALITY!!how can he possible campaign for equal rights for all if he is promising law students he'll do his best for them! this is absolutely ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I also hear the current law society have snubbed Duffy due to this! Fair play to them for not condoning it!!

Once again Duffy and Lilly make a bad name for the law society...

Anonymous said...

Lilly, what a loser coming into the sabbatical offices and shouting odds off at current sabbatical officers because they are trying to get him to realise running for law society is not a good decision!

Hope this comes back to bite him on the foot and he gets chucked from the union! Get a life Paul!!

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Anonymous said...

The constitution doesnt bar them from doing it. It bars the VPCS and the President. No-one else.

Anonymous said...

funny how everyone is calling lilly a loser....

question. Who is the loser?

option A: the person or group of social nobodies sitting behind a computer slagging off and taking cheap shots at someone who cant reply


option B: the person who romped to victory in an election by over 500votes

You decide

Anonymous said...

the law society at QUB is like the christian-right in the USA - really powerful and hated by everyone outside it!

so much for equality and diversity....looking to head up the law society!!