Wednesday, 4 March 2009

And the winners are...

President: Shane Brogan

VP Campaigns and Communications Gareth McGreevy

VP Clubs & Societies: Paul Courtney

VP Community: Laura Hawthorne

VP Education: Barry Duffy

VP Equality and Diversity: Paul Lilly

VP Welfare: Susan Kearney


Anonymous said...

It's terrible that Stephen Connolly didn't win, he was the most decent candidate in the election!

Shocked too at how close the presidential election was, especially seeing at the landslides the others won by! Delighted though that it wasn't a law society clean sweep - the law society were so arrogant at the results that to see them not get their entire way was worth the walk to the union!

I'm disguisted by Lilly's acceptance speech attack at Sarah Boles - least she ran because she actually cared for that post. Lilly only ran because he assumed a lot wouldn't! His deliberate attack on her was unfounded, disrespectful and unmanly - why didn't he say that to her face and not in front of all his gaa and law fans. Weak, Weak, Weak!

Anonymous said...

Disappointing.What was the turnout like?

Anonymous said...

Congrats peeps. Looks like a good bunch (minus Courtney)

Anonymous said...

Go Shane!

Anonymous said...

Disappointing that Boles and McGibbon didn't get in, and that Courtney got another term!

Glad that Shane Brogan got in, although I'm VERY surprised that he did!

Also would like to note that these results have been published on The Gown blog long before the SU website!

Anonymous said...

Best statement of the election: A candidate for 'equality and diversity' came into my Law lecture and said that he wants to stand up for the equal rights of all students at Queen's -especially Law students.

Anonymous said...

I heard a few students talking about the IRA chanting at a law soc party and this may have affected Og's chances for el presidente.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Connolly didn't win- fair enough but McGreevy is the best one for the job! Have we seen any campaigning or publications from Connolly during his time of the election run? At least we know McGreevy is up to it!

Stephen was hypocritical in his approach- "I am not going to shove campaigns down students' throats!" he said yet that's all he did with his electoral campaign!

I agree with Paul Lilly's win- it was a disgrace. Boles or McKinney were the best ones for the job!! McKinney looked the most promising of the candidates!!

And as for the law society being arrogant at the results- Kearney and McGreevy are both law students and they spoke tremedously well and were genuinely taken a back that they won! They both talked about their manifesto in their acceptance speech and said how hard they would work!Give them a chance!!

Can't believe community was as close as it was- Laura has done a tremedous job and congratulate her, shane and susan for their campaign and well done on getting re-elected (and elected for Kearney)

I hope people give the new sabbatical officers the best of support over the next few months especially when they take to office.

Anonymous said...

omg i want to know what was said to/about sarah boles by that lilly guy??

Anonymous said...

aWhat did Lilly say about Boles?

Anonymous said...

You thoroughly misunderstand me. I didn't mean the law society in general - I just meant that particular law society ticket of MacGiollaCheara, Duffy, Lilly and Courtney (to a lesser extent). I meant elitist, arrogant, GAA obsessed chaps who only ran to fulfill their own egotistical aims at the University and couldn't give a hoot about any of us or the job in question. It's obvious Lilly only ran for e&d because Shane Brogan was unopposed last year - he thought he'd get in easily!

I have no problems against Kearney - I voted for her in fact. I loved the ticket she was on and I couldn't care if she's law society or whatever, he's just a great candidate! My problem and annoyance was solely with the MacGiollaCheara-type law/gaa ticket that seems to win every year easily yet does bugger all in office.

I did vote for Connolly but I still think he was the best! I have nothing against McGreevy and I know he'll do a good job - I see him as I see Kearney, he does law but law isn't just the base of his campaign, he reaches out more.

MacGiollaCheara looked stunned at the result - it's obvious he thought he had it in the bag just as I also thought he had it in the bag as well! But as Ian Duncan Smith said, 'the quiet man is here to stay and he's turning up the volume!'

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any idea why there were no socialist candidates this year - If I remeber right micheal collins wasnt far off the post of president last year - surley with the near collapse of capitalism this would have been the perfect opportunity for a socialsit to stand

Anonymous said...

Paul Lilly's acceptance speech was entirely within standard etiquette. Sara Boles - after receiving a woeful vote - decided to omit congratulations for Lilly from her remarks. A rebuke is therefore hardly a surprise, is it?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at hustings but I heard about Mr Lilly's speech in my medical class yesterday and no it wasn't acceptable!

Sarah Boles thanked the other candidates because they ran a fair campaign and knew exactly what Equality and Diversity is about! The only think that Mr Lilly knows is that he is going to be more equal to law students- his words not mine!!

On a further note, I was in the library and he came over to me and tried to force me to vote by standing over my shoulder (as well as my fellow students). I will openly state that I voted for McKinney number 1 and Boles number 2. They had buzzing personalities, were genuine and sincere whereas Mr Lilly's words were, "I don't care who you vote for, just vote for me!"

Good luck to minority groups next year with Mr Lilly as your rep!

Anonymous said...

Can I start of by saying what a turn out and a massive congrats to all winners. I was at the results in the SpeakEasy and was extremely impressed at the 1700+ votes received by the new VP Education, Barry Duffy. I know Barry from his position in the Law Society and he's a great guy. He will do a great job for the student body and from the number of votes he received, I think people realised this. All the best to the new committee.

Anonymous said...

Not really liking the LAW/GAA bashing going on here. these accusations are totally unfounded and slanderous.

For a start they were democratically elected and if they were such bad candidates then how come so many people voted for them. All 3 (lily, courtney and duffy) got in by landslide victories. And both lily and courtney had to compete with candidates with GAA backgrounds so it wasnt simply the gaa vote that got them in, it was the fact that they are better candidates with better personalities so get over that.

Secondly, as regards everyone saying lily will be no good for the job, thats rubbish. he is by far the most capable of all the candidates for equality, i mean there's no comparison if your comparing intellect and public speaking. And he was totally right in rebuking sarah boles after her snide remarks (for those who werent there are want the truth instead of lies and propaganda, she congratulated mckinney and marlowe on their campaigns and said how lovely they were but failed to emntion lily who got over double her votes. all lily said did was and this is a direct quote to "thank all the candidates, including sarah boles despite the fact she forgot to mention me in her speech" hardly disgusting now and in my opinion totally justified.

thirdly, how people are saying barry duffy is arrogant and gaa obsessed totally mystifies me. the man is a total gentleman and this is why he got in so easily. everyone in law respects him and thinks he's a good lad. Those who are criticising him obviously dont know him and are just bitter. Also for the record, duffy isnt even involved in the GAA so how can he be obsessed with it. get your facts right before you boardcast them publicly as fact.

Thank you thank you

Anonymous said...

I normally do not get involved in discussion forums, but after reading some of the comments left, I feel I must! In particular reference to the following:

" society ticket of MacGiollaCheara, Duffy, Lilly and Courtney (to a lesser extent). I mean elitist, arrogant, GAA obsessed chaps who only ran to fulfill their own egotistical aims at the University and couldn't give a hoot about any of us or the job in question."

This makes me laugh. Barry Duffy arrogant? GAA obsessed? Egotistical? Doesn't give a hoot about any of us? Absolute rubbish!Completely the opposite. You obviously do not know this man. I can honestly say one of the nicest people I have met since coming to Queens. He gets on with everyone and although his 1700+ was impressive, I would expect nothing else. I see someone describes him as a gentleman, I would have to agree for that is simply what he is. Get your facts right!

Anonymous said...

There was nothing wrong with what Lilly said.
It was a slight joke at Boles.
I don't think it was intended with the malice you have all given it.

For those of you who weren't there:
Sarah had to say a few words when she lost, she thanked all of those who ran against her by name, bar Paul Lilly.
I noticed this and a lot of other people did too, so it wasn't at all subtle.

Lilly then, when he won, thanked all his opponents, adding something along the lines of "including Sarah, even though she didn't mention me in her speech."

You can look at this in two ways:
Either Sarah simply forgot to mention Lilly and it was an honest mistake, but if you're going to be so gracious to her, I'd suggest you lend our new VP Equality and Diversity the same grace and accept that there was little to no malice in his jibe.

OR, if she did purposely refuse to mention him then he was well within his right to say something.


Anonymous said...

It seems laughable that someone has written "good luck to minority groups under mr lilly." The man hasn't even taken office and already people are attacking him.

I don't no him, but did manage to speak to him at Halls last weekend. As an international student myself, Paul seems to have a good grasp of the issues affecting us. He told me of the issues he encountered when he studied abroad, he was well spoken, polite and friendly. Give the guy a break!

Anonymous said...

There where do socialist candidates
simpson vp campaigns and O'boyle for v education

Anonymous said...

I can see that all the people defending Lilly here seem to be Law students - what a magical surprise!

Firstly, as an independent person who was at the results night and had no major liking or affiliation towards any candidate I think I must really make a few points here.

Firstly, Barry Duffy may be a gentleman and may be a lovely person but that is not what's important! What is important is his ability to carry out a job as one of the most high profile students at our University. He wasn't able to give a decent answer to any question asked to him, nor did he show any preparation for the contest or background reading into major areas concerning the post he was running for. The only part of it he seemed to know about was the name. I'm not saying he'll do a bad job but in some respects he needs to really get himself ready over the next few months!

Now onto Lilly - it's not the fact he mentioned her lack of mentioning him, it's the fact that the way he said what he said, the tone of his voice, was rather arrogant and bitchy. Sarah Boles simply didn't mention him - why should she? I know at that point the contest was obviously over but Sarah seemed to know the other 2 candidates she mentioned and thanked them for a lovely contest. Maybe she just didn't know Lilly very well so kept quiet to avoid sounding fake? Lilly however, assumed outright that her lack of mentioning him was nothing more than a deliberate attack and proved highly ungentlemanly in his manner of mentioning her. A man truly representative of the students would've simply thanked all candidates in equal tone and regard. I would have applauded that but I did not applaud his tone and method of mentioning her - highly ungentlemanly.

I'm not disputing or disregarding the point that Duffy and Lilly are democratically elected. Afterall, George W Bush was democratically elected! I just feel that their method of campaigning - targeting law lectures and law societies, bigger lecture halls for bigger courses and mentioning outright that he would give more equality to law students. This executive in certain sections already seems to remind of Orwell's Animal Farm. Lilly should've targeted smaller schools (although I know he'd not have gotten as many votes in that way) to show in a small sense that he wants to represent all students and not those most likely to vote for him. I'm really willing to give him a chance and I hope he does well and he has my best wishes.

Anonymous said...

To be fair Seamy og and Paul lilly do not deserve the stick their getting here, they are 2 of the more genuine law candidates and are actively involved in the Gaa etc and believe they would have and will do a good job.

Duffy and McGreevey however are clearly egotistical CV boosting wannabes whose sole interest was a dossy year 'working' in the Union and nothing at all to do with the students or a better union.

The comments about Barry duffy being arrogant are well founded, he's the snobbiest strabane man ive ever met! and well you just have to look at how many tv game shows McGreeveys been on and applied for... seriously glory hunting to the extereme!

*** Students Before CV's! ***

Anonymous said...

Gareth McGreevey, hardly the best candidate for campaigns: hes applies for anything just so he can get his face in it- look at the weakest link and his law magazine!

Did you know that he also nominated his own work for awards and used this in his election campaign?

To that I say 'weak, weak, weak!'

Anonymous said...

Unlike a lot of others who've posted here, I don't want to pass comment on the credentials / suitability of the candidates elected: it is totally unjust to tar any of them before they've even taken up office. We'll find out over the course of the coming year whether the student electorate made the right decision and until then, it's only fair that every candidate should be given the same credit for their victory.

As regards the election campaign itself however, I must admit that some (many) of the results came as something of a surprise to me. I was in and out of the union and PEC quite frequently on both election days, and the candidates with the most visible presence (and the only ones who spoke to me on the day) were Boylan, those on the Mac Giolla Cheara / Lilly / Duffy ticket, Superman, and Adele Archibald (in the PEC - interestingly, rather than quoting policy, she attempted to solicit my vote on the grounds that 'it's been a long time since we've seen a female candidate in this position'. And that comment ensured that womenkind will have to wait another year!). In fact, I couldn't even name the other candidates running against them and in my own experience, I don't think their presence was very noticeable. I can only assume therefore, that the other candidates were relying primarily on the support of clubs and socs and similar groupings - somewhat ironic given some of the criticism leveled at Mac Giolla Cheara / Lilly / Duffy and the alleged law society monopoly.

At the end of the day, however, congratulations are due to all those who took the initiative to stand and put effort into their campaigns. Let's hope that the coming year will see them turn their election promises into reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad Laura got back in!

Anonymous said...

Lilly's comments in his speech were founded! She thanked everyone that ran against her except for him!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Boles get in? What am I going to do now without unisex toilets?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - "I just feel that their method of campaigning - targeting law lectures and law societies, bigger lecture halls for bigger courses"

To be fair, none of the Brogan ticket were in the Union AT ALL on Tuesday, and why was this? Because they were going around all of the big lecture classes targeting the big votes. And fair play to them! These people are in an election. Their sole objective is to win, and how do you win an election? GET THE MOST VOTES! I think that each candidate was entirely justified attending the 200+ lecture classes, rather than a tutorial of 10 people, it was the smart thing to do, in an election you need to appeal to as many people as possible using the precious time available to full potential.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think that the new lot of SU officers will make the blindest bit of difference to their lives?

Anonymous said...

Naturally you would see MacGiollaCheara and Lilly etc at the PEC as they were relying on the GAA vote as well! Not surprising!

Anonymous said...

A Chara

Well done to those elected.

Feck Fees!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame more students dont attend the hustings. I think the outcomes would be more representative that way and also different in some cases. I attended and was surprised by the outcomes in some positions.
Veronica mc kinney completely overshadowed most of the other equality candidates and it is a shame she did not get the post.
shane Brogan and Seamy og battled it well for the president and actually the tight vote represented how little there was between the two. I thought either would do a very good job. barry duffy was questioned repeatly as the only education candidate present and didnt come off well, though at least he showed up. ronan digney and susan kearney and gareth mcgreevy and stephen connolly were all impressive and gave the impression that their categories would be very close, in fact i thought digney and connolly would do better. I thought clubs ans socs would be better contested as well. Conchur moore sounded competent and i thought that maybe he would spring a surprise on courtney. Adele Archibald had promising ideas and i thought could have done the job well -i actually comended her on the day because i thought she would rely on the female thing in an attempt to get votes, she didnt mention it, though she maybe should have. Laura Hawthrone was excellent and shone in her category. I fully believed that she was the best candidate for the job.
Best of luck for next year to those elected

Anonymous said...

Anyone for a vote of no confidence in McGreevey and Duffy?

You thought James Murphy was bad - you aint seen nothing yet!

Only reason Duffy wanted to get elected to the Union was to get in free on a Thursday night!

24,000 students at queens and the voter turnout was under 4000 - JOKE!

Anonymous said...

This blog has made for entertaining reading and to be honest I find many of the statements laughable! I am going to talk on behalf of myself!

Anyone who wants me to meet with them over a coffee to discuss my plans for next year, you are more than welcome- email brian heading or any of the current sabbatical officers- they have my email address! That is an open invitation and especially to those who seem to think I am in for a 'dossy' year. I wonder how many sabbatical elects were working for their term in office over the weekend just past- believe it or not- I was. I have made a move on the fees lobby with some members of the stormont executive! Yes that is right I have started working 4 months ahead to make sure the students' voice is going to be heard!!

Secondly, I see it is frowned upon now to have a social life and go on the weakest link. Just to let you know this was as part of a charity fundraiser were I raised money for CIN by people supporting me to go on Weakest Link and was presented in November along with a Quiz evening!

The Verdict which was entered into the magazine awards was done so once I got a phonecall from the HR Admin team asking me to submit the magazine so do a little bit of research before making 'off the cuff' suggestions please. Plus I think entering the magazine into the team category awards shows what I think of my editorial team as a whole and that their hard work deserves to be recognised! It's a team publication not an individual one!

As for the "vote of no confidence..." poster, feel free to meet up with me and explain why this should be the case...but then again you may have to wait until I am actually in office until you raise your case.

I look forward to working for ALL the student body next year and as I said at the results evening, my manifesto was a contract between me and the entire student body! I will work closely with the entire team next year to make sure all Students are represented!

I hope this has settled your doubts in me to the 3 anonymous posters who seem to be suggesting that I am incapable of doing the job!

Anonymous said...

What on earth has Gareth McGreevy ever done on any of you? Don't know the lad but give him a chance!! You are all coming across like really twisted individuals on here towards candidates! Put yourselves up for the jobs- or maybe thats the problem- you did put yourselves up and I have a feeling there are some bitter people on here!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just making sure nobody thinks that I'm posting anything that I shouldn't be... People should really have the courage to post using their name if they feel they have something worth saying.

I think Gareth will do a great job and to be honest I was shocked to get so many votes when up against him!

I'll be back next year for some more election fun...

Anonymous said...

Just glad that the degenerate Boles didn't get elected

Anonymous said...

Perverts out

Anonymous said...

While Mc Greevey may have an impressive CV, his lack of leadership and foresight in the election campaign were truely apparant.

The Law Scoeity formal,most of which was organised by Mc Greevey will be remembered only for a disproportionate number of awards at the same table! While awards were lavished at Ronan Digney in a pathetic attempt to gain his some sabbatical election coverage, Mc Greeby also placed a slide show at the end endorsing a non-law candidate against a prominent member his own law class.

This came back to bite Mc Greevey and co in the foot as he finds himself the only one in his team to get elected.

You will need to wise up next year Gareth and begin to listen to the students, instead of your tiny bandit of law cronies!

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Hard luck to Seamy Og, he truely was the best man for the job! One can only think there are much greater things ahead for him than the SU presidency!

Anonymous said...

This blog embodies everything that Roger the alien once said on American Dad - 'I'm going to make relationships the same way fat people do - over the internet!'

Not calling anyone fat or seeking a relationship but please can the people on here get some sort of a life!

Anonymous said...

Shane Boylan:

Unless you are talking to only one of us, it is "a chairde".

Anonymous said...

Why don't some of the people on here who constantly critcise the candidates who ran put themselves up for nomination??????

Some may not like Seamus Og or McGreevy but least they have the balls to put their faces and views to the students! Some of the people on here really are sad - who honestly spends so much time forming detailed critiques of potential sabbatical officers who quite frankly can hardly do anything in their year in office due to the fact that the University controls the Union!

Laura Hawthorne's fabulous - go for a third term!

Fair play to Connolly and McGreevy writing on here - don't let these sad freaks get you down!

Anonymous said...

Good research done there again, but once again just not good enough! The awards were primarily composed by the treasurer, president and vice president! I produced the powerpoint. And you were wrongly informed, there was no slide show, apparently someone brought up our election poster on screen- I was outside at that stage! And so what if I was supporting someone other than a law student from my own class- sure people were criticizing that it was all law people running for it and now its a fault i am not supporting one. I was supporting the person who I thought was best for the job regardless of their degree path and still maintain that the students are missing out, as in my opinion the best candidate, namely Veronica McKinney, did not get into office!
And tell me what student I didn't listen to this year in your view...I'm very eager to hear!!

Anonymous said...

There are some spineless cowards posting on this forum! As for those who are doing nothing but sitting behind their computers and stirring and draggin up people's pasts, get a life!!

The best team I could have seen in would be:

President: Shane Brogan
Clubs and Soc: Conchuir Moore
Welfare: Ronan Digney
Campaigns: Garth McGreevey
Community: Laura Hawthorne
Education: Barry Duffy
Equality: Veronica McKiney

Anonymous said...

I hope QUB gets shut down by the Pervert Prevention Squad.

Anonymous said...

Ronan Digney would have been useless. Check out his manifesto - some of the passages seem VERY familiar... as if we'd read them before somewhere...last year...

Anonymous said...

I think Digney would have been Okay at the job.

Let's be honest though, bar perhaps Shane and Laura who we know are good at their jobs, the rest are wastes of space.

Surely (and I direct this comment at all the incoming saabs who watch this blog with bated breath to see who's saying what about them) you would all be best to do a little work on those things called degrees, or- dare I say it, working on stategies for how you plan to fulfil your manifesto pledges?

Anonymous said...

The Union? A Newspaper?
That's comedy gold.
Maybe James Murphy could hitch a ride on the back of a flying pig and come back from wherever he ends up next year and edit it..

Anonymous said...

Serious question here....has anyone EVER come through on ANY of their promises? I remember seeing manifesto's in time gone by and quite frankly I've never seen one passed. One about 2 years ago of allocating rape alarms to all female students at Queen's sounded good but never came into effect......

I think we need to accept that these positions mean nothing - the Union is controlled by one person and one person only - Peter Gregson!

People try to hold officers to account but quite frankly how are they really able to achieve any of it???? It's arrogance to the point of madness for anyone to imagine that the SU President etc will be able to rid of fees altogether! Last I checked the Union was not the Treasury! The ONLY one I've ever seen achieve anything is Laura Hawthorne! I wish she'd just stay in that job forever - she's actually managed to come through on her promises!

Anonymous said...

In the same vain (or perhaps, to be correct, vein) as "Just A Thought", "bated breath" is correctly spelt "baited breath". I watch this blog because I'm directly involved in QUB life. I run events and I am working with students. If you don't write for The Gown and aren't that pathetic little waste of space Lorcan Mullen who likes to badmouth people who genuinely care for other students, then you should keep an eye out for "Exposition". It's a GENUINE student publication. We won't be taking the piss out of Sabbs for the sake of it; we won't be writing for the Union.


Anonymous said...

sarah boles for president!!! i'd love to see a militant lesbian revolution at queens....

Anonymous said...

Is the Gown ever going to write a new story???

Probably not for another few weeks, as usual.

What a pointless piece of dung.

Anonymous said...

Gary O'Kane wuz robbed!

Anonymous said...

It looks as if a certain few of our newly elected officers were caught up in those disgraceful riots on St Patrick's this what we want from our officers? I think those people who were there and they know they are and we know who they are should be forced to resign their positions with immediate effect and force a by-election......

Gown Team said...

We apologise for the lack of new stories on the blog at the moment, but we are extremely busy with trying to raise money in order to save The Gown, and are constantly in contact and in meetings with various people which leaves little time for updating the blog.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between "being caught up in the riots" and what these individuals were actually at..walking about the street they live on. Why should they resign because they were at the scene of other people's drunken, disgusting behaviour? In fact, I witnessed one of them trying to encourage people to get into their houses, away from the riots. So quit using any excuse to jump on the slagging bandwagon and get over it.

Anonymous said...

Really - it doesn't cost anything to write a news story - only a bit of dedication.

Anonymous said...

What's this new publication Exposition?

Anonymous said...

Who were the new officers caught up in the Paddy's Day incidents?

Gown Team said...

You will be happy to see that we have a new news story up.

That should keep you contented 'Anonymous'.

Questioning the dedication of The Gown team?

That's a laugh.

Gown Team said...

The Gown is unaware of a new publication entitled 'Exposition'...although we would be interested in finding out more about it.

Anonymous said...

Gown Team - only having a bit of a laugh about your dedication.

I'm am now suitably contented.

Anonymous said...

"If you don't write for The Gown and aren't that pathetic little waste of space Lorcan Mullen who likes to badmouth people who genuinely care for other students, then you should keep an eye out for "Exposition"."

To quote Jimmy McNulty..."the f*ck did I do?"

Us Gownies are interested to know more about Exposition, and in particular who's behind this exciting new venture; someone above attacks on Sabbs but not attacks on newbie Gownies? Come on..."pathetic little waste of space"?

If I've been unfair or deliberately unprofessional (by student standards) then show me where and how, by contacting me through The Gown's email. I'm willing to offer humble mea culpas, sackcloth, ashes an' all, if I'm proven so.

I can say for certain that I've never "taken the piss out of Sabbs for the sake of it."

I write for The Gown not just because I enjoy it, but because I care passionately about a strong, competent, campaigning Union.

Anonymous said...

Exposition?? more info please...

In regards to the Holylands, I was glad to see a former VP Education on the front line trying to calm the situation and disperse the crowds back indoors to prevent the drunken ejits getting arrested!.... some more student officers/reps/stewards/wardens whatever you want to call them would have helped in quelling the trouble. It wouldnt have stopped it, but would have helped in containing it.

Anonymous said...

I did not vote because I am not convinced that these students officers - however able they may be - have any power to affect real change. I might dare to presume that many other students did not vote for the same reason

In my view the SU is a body bursting with potential due to the work of young industrious students (such as the officers above)
Unfortunately this potential is stymied by a body of incompetent staff and a leadership of divided priorities
I wonder are students or reputation more important to Peter Gregson?

Anonymous said...

"Incompetent staff"?

Are you referring to the staff based in the SU? Have you encountered problems with any SU staff member? Have you raised these concerns with the General Manager/Director, or even brought them to the attention of the Union President? If you are going to brand a group of people as "incompetent", back it up with evidence, or button it.