Friday, 24 July 2009

Sub-Editor Positons Available! Writers Required!‏

The Gown is currently undergoing many exciting changes in preparation for a new academic year at Queen’s. We therefore require six students to take on Sub-Editor roles to help with developing and managing the publication.

The voluntary Sub-Editor positions available are:

- Arts and Entertainment Editor

- Features Editor

- Sport Editor

- Photography Editor

- Design Editor

- Web Editor

Also, as w
e intend to have an issue out for freshers' week, we need to know who's interested in writing articles.

At any level of involvement, The Gown is a great opportunity to gain some valuable experience in journalism, media and business.

If you would like to volunteer for a sub-editor position, or you wish to write for the next issue, email us at for more information.


Shine Bragin said...

I think performance related pay should be introduced.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you've seen it:

Rather scandalous when the rest of the University are making 5% cuts and us students are struggling to scrape together rent for a month.

Also heard a rumour about the VC spending a 5-figure sum having his office sound proofed cause the people above him were "too noisy".