Tuesday, 11 November 2008

New Issue Out Now

You can now pick up the new issue of The Gown, available in the Students' Union foyer, bars, and usual distribution points within the student areas.
Look out for stories on the male escort employed by QUBSU, a report looking at the proposed increase in tuition fees, a discussion on the criticisms levelled at The SU Magazine and much more.



Anonymous said...

My name is Sydney King. I hate a lot of things, but the new issue of the gown is just fabulous!

Anonymous said...

If your name really is Sydney King, as you dubiously claim, then why did you post under the name "anonymous"? Aha, your sinister plot appears to be unravelling, you trickster!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blogger account, those are one of the many things I hate!

Sydney King

Anonymous said...

I think this edition's very good. Some interesting topics and stories raised...

What do other peeps think?

Anonymous said...

Fair play to you guys, you've raised the bar - hopefully the SU Mag will step up to the challege!

Anonymous said...

Enough of the SU magazine bashing already!

Anonymous said...

Do any other club or society committee members have real bother with trying to book venues in the SU? I don't want to reveal which club I am from, but in recent months, we have been repeatedly ignored and messed about.

Also, any idea where we could complain to without any chance of them being able to "get back at us" for it?

Anonymous said...

why don't you raise it with Ciarnan. He actually seems decent and has been helpful.

Anonymous said...

Very good issue - plenty of important issues raised, depth to the articles etc etc.

Though the car parking article seems a little like spoilt-kid bellyaching rather than reporting; everything's within walking / bus distance around here anyway.
Anyway, not trying to be malicious. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well, the union aint perfect by any means (looking at you VP Murphy, with the goonish poly-baiting) but Helferty seems a decent president. Best to raise the issue and not assume the worst immediately. Democratic representation ftw!

Anonymous said...

The S.U Mag is vacuous, flashy trash. The gown is its earnest, salt of the earth cousin. Go Gown.

PS - 10k a year?

Preston, wtf?


Anonymous said...

Say what you will about the gown, buts its not bad at all. and say what you like about the union and exec (as many have) but they are not all bad. Some are actually quite hard working but then again, some are not. Swings and roundabouts.

Anyway, good stuff gown. enjoyable read.

Anonymous said...

The gown is "salt of the earth?" The gown's good but who wrote that for you the waltons or ian paisley? Do you read the watchtower on a regular basis?

Anonymous said...

a really good issue of the gown spoiled by the ramblings of an idiot- james murphy. I find it ridiculous the amount of money that murphy and his friend and colleague kevin kelly get paid for what they do (nothing). Murphy needs to grow up for a start with his poly slating, although i suppose it is hard to act mature when you only look about twelve!

Anonymous said...

Does the previous poster know James Murphy is editor the SU Mag and has nothing to do with the Gown?